
Our policies are guidelines and regulations to ensure our mini nursery’s safety, well-being, and effective operation. We strive to provide exceptional childcare. Our policies and procedures are implemented within our practice. These policies serve as guidelines for staff, parents, and caregivers, ensuring that the nursery operates consistently and accountable. They help create a safe, inclusive, nurturing environment where children can thrive and receive quality care and education.

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday,
8 am - 6 pm

Nursery Calendar

Open for 50 out of 52 weeks of the year

Ofsted Registration

The Happy Chalet nursery is Ofsted registered

Disabled Access

Accessible to people with disabilities

Funding Support

Funded places available for 2 & 3 year olds

Secure Your Child's Spot Now!

Register your child by May 15th to receive exclusive benefits!

First two weeks absolutely free!


Two weeks with 15% discount